Yes, A Sausage company Is trying to fix the internet.

Boost The Positive

Instead of just spending our ad money promoting sausage, we’re going to spend it putting as much positive content as we can atop America’s social media feeds starting June 22 (Positive Media Day, which is a real day) to November 13 (International Kindness Day, also a real day).


Promote fun & Togetherness

Our content will feature unexpected acts done in the spirit of togetherness. The kind of things you see in your feed and say, “Huh, I’d love to see more of that!” Yea. We agree. This content needs its fair share of the online spotlight.​

Want to see what we mean?​

We Need Your Help.

Our Sausage budget can’t do this alone.​

Our modest advertising dollars are no match for the big, scary internet. We’re trying to create a movement. One where other brands and people with big followings shine a brighter light on inspiring, positive content.

If you see content that Keeps It Juicy: Like it. Share it. Shine the spotlight with #KeepTheInternetJuicy.

Why is a sausage company doing this?​

Someone’s gotta.​

We make the ultimate hangout food. The stuff of epic block parties and potlucks. Unfortunately, Americans are hanging out less. 71% of Americans said they hang out with people less frequently than they did five years ago. That’s a little bad for sausage, and a lot bad for fun. ​

Americans are exhausted.​

According to the Johnsonville National Temperature Check survey, conducted by the Harris Poll, 80% of people say they are exhausted by all the anger and negativity in the country. Cue the collective yikes.​

The internet Is a big reason.

Our social media feeds – a never-ending scroll of supposed grown-ups attacking fast food workers, brawling sports fans and road ragers – can make it seem like the world has gone hopelessly mad. Most agree, with 89% of Americans wishing social media was less negative.

2024 won’t be a relief.​

84% of Americans agree “elections have not been bringing out our best behavior” and 65% are “dreading” the 2024 election process.​

See good. ​Do good. 

Perhaps most naively, we truly believe this can work. At least for a little while, and only if we get lots of help. When 92% of Americans agree “seeing people do positive things for one another makes me want to do positive things for someone else,” we think we’ve got a good start.

Let’s Fix This Together. Still Not Kidding.

Where’d we get the data?

Johnsonville and The Harris Poll recently published “The National Temp Check,” a national survey of more than 2,000 American adults. All the data from this page, and more, can be read here

Keep It Fun. Keep It Together.

Keep your plates full, keep your tables fuller, and whatever you do, don’t forget to keep it juicy.

Keep it Juicy